Duferco People – A world within a company


At Duferco, people are considered the guardians of knowledge for the achievement of the significant results the Group obtained in over forty years of history. Duferco people are the key factor for a long-term growth.

Across its companies, Duferco manages people through various socially responsible actions, aiming at establishing a safe and stimulating working environment which fosters human resources valorization and transparency in all relationships.

As stated in the Code of Ethics, the Group ensures substantial equality in the management of human resources, without differences based on race, sex, health or age, favoring and enhancing the elements of cultural diversity. Any kind of harassment, mobbing or hostile behavior is firmly rejected and condemned.


Maintain balanced assets, steady focus on business profit and shared value creation, through cyclical and other non-cyclical operations across the four divisions, fostering energy transition within and outside the Group and pursuing progressive decarbonization of operations.

The Group’s mission is to maintain balanced assets thus pursuing steady increases in profit and shared value. Moreover, the mission is divided in individual strategic objectives in consideration of the respective business sectors, united by a common effort to pursue the energy transition and decarbonization of productive processes.


Become a conglomerate Group with four divisions: Energy, Steel, Shipping and Innovation, where residual risks are increasingly managed from a strategic standpoint and where opportunities are seized thanks to the Group’s natural adaptiveness and focus on human capital.

In the never-lasting transformation of Duferco business sectors and divisions, high-qualified competencies and strong culture are the fundamental elements that have allowed the Group to build the solid roots of its development, continuously conceiving innovations, controlling risks and catching opportunities.


The safety and well-being of its employees are absolute priorities for the Group, which seeks to disseminate a deep-rooted health and safety corporate culture and defines strategies and actions addressed at improving the conditions of workers and their awareness of safety issues. This is done through the implementation of specific procedures, training courses, and the application of internal regulations. Duferco’s premises were confirmed as safe places due to the rigid safety culture applied across all categories and roles.

The Duferco Group regularly demonstrates and consistently acts to prove the importance of the health and safety issues. To give a few instances, the occupational doctor participates in the creation of the DVR (Risk Assessment Document) and conducts workplace inspections to confirm working conditions and work with others on risk assessment. The Duferco Group continuously supports its employees through a number of initiatives that provides staff members with non-occupational healthcare services.
A few numbers:




hours of training


new hires