Duferco Biomasse obtains the FSC Certification

Apr 13, 2022 | News

Recently, Duferco Biomasse, one of our group companies in the logistics sector, processing and supply of wood and its derivatives on industrial sites in Italy and in Europe, has obtained FSC Certification for the management of a forest in Nave (BS) done on behalf of Duferco Sviluppo.

The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) Responsible Forest Management Standard promotes responsible forest management, environmentally friendly, socially useful and economically sustainable forest management. FSC is the most accredited forest certification scheme in the world for the number of certificates issued, rigidity of the certification criteria and companies involved in the processes.

Duferco Biomasse, which has always been involved in environmental sustainability, has participated in a group certification by joining WaldPlus: a group of small forest owners in Trentino Alto-Adige, Veneto and Lombardy.

For the future, further steps are planned:

  • forest management plan
  • restoration and improvement of the signs for the tourist use of the area
  • restoration of the forest road for fire prevention activities and to ensure the practicability of the entire area. The restoration will allow the proper conduct of tourist / recreational activities within the site
  • monitoring of biomass growth, both as a result of cutting operations, and in areas where no cutting was done
  • overall evaluation of all activities, aimed at evaluating ecosystem services.