Antonio Gozzi took part in the “Market & Surroundings” webinar by siderweb

Gen 19, 2023 | News

Antonio Gozzi spoke yesterday during the “Market & Surroundings” webinar by siderweb. Interviewed by Francesca Morandi, the president reiterated his moderate optimism on the economic situation, despite the uncertainty caused by the effects of the conflict in Ukraine.

“The current economic situation is cooling after the strong growth seen throughout 2021 and in the first part of 2022. Making forecasts with a war in progress is not easy, however there are positive signals, first of all, the downward movement of inflation and energy costs, gas in particular”.

The president of Duferco Italia Holding and Federacciai voiced his concern over the energy costs that weigh on Italian steel production, due to a competitive gap of almost 100 euros per MWh with the French and 50/60 euros with the Germans.

“We will continue to reiterate to the Government the need for significant interventions, otherwise it will become very difficult to keep up with the competition. As things stand, competitors operating in countries with better state budgets risk to be eligible for state aid that could undermine the single market.”

Watch the interview: